Raising Healthy Kids in A Painful World: The Two Most Helpful Tips About Parenting I Learned in Therapy
The hardest and the most rewarding job I've undertaken in my whole life has been my role as a parent. It's frequently difficult, even when life is good. But when we as parents experience our own struggles, how do we keep it together in order…

Twelve Excellent Movies About the Pain (and the Joy) of Parenting
When we are expecting, we have this idea that our babies will bring us happiness. I maintain that starting a family does not make a person “happy” (whatever that means). Parenting is painful and scary. Parenting hurts precisely because…

Cinematherapy Revisited: 95 Movies (and TV Shows) about Depression, Anxiety, Grief & Loss, Divorce, Disability, Parenting & Other Really Tough Things You Might Need Counselling For
While they are probably not considered "Cinematherapy," I love superhero movies, time travel and other fantasy and science fiction. In fact, I love them as much (usually even more) than the next middle-aged woman. Give me Doom Patrol, X-Men,…

An Intro to Watching Movies as Therapy
I love going to the movies, don’t you!? Movies make you feel things. “Who has not walked out of a movie theatre feeling sad, scared, inspired, or otherwise moved? Movies can potentially open a person’s eyes to new solutions to any number…