Twelve Excellent Movies About the Pain (and the Joy) of Parenting
When we are expecting, we have this idea that our babies will bring us happiness. I maintain that starting a family does not make a person “happy” (whatever that means). Parenting is painful and scary. Parenting hurts precisely because…

Cinematherapy Revisited: 95 Movies (and TV Shows) about Depression, Anxiety, Grief & Loss, Divorce, Disability, Parenting & Other Really Tough Things You Might Need Counselling For
While they are probably not considered "Cinematherapy," I love superhero movies, time travel and other fantasy and science fiction. In fact, I love them as much (usually even more) than the next middle-aged woman. Give me Doom Patrol, X-Men,…

Ten Questions to Help You Think Differently and Feel Better
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) in its very basic form is based on the idea that our mental health is like a three-legged stool. Each of the three legs stand for a different aspect of health: thoughts, emotions, and behaviours. Make a change…